Welcome to Choctaw Regional Medical Center

Critical Care Transportation Comes to Choctaw Regional

What happens when bad weather prevents the NMMC Care Flight Ambulance from being able to transport a critically ill patient? This question was answered recently when Choctaw Regional Medical Center needed a patient transported and the Care Flight team was grounded.

The answer was NMMC’s new Critical Care Transport. Operating as an “extension of the ER and ICU”, the Critical Care Transport team works in the ER at NMMC in Tupelo. Although they assist in the ER, they are not assigned patients and that allows them to be available to respond to critical calls at a moment’s notice.

“When the helicopter can’t fly, critical care transport can come to us or rendezvous with MedStat to get our critical care patients to a higher level of care. We are pleased to have this option available to our patients.” – Monette Pearson

CRMC has the designation of having the first patient transported in the new critical care ambulance. Stocked with blood products, a ventilator and accommodations for larger patients, this is truly an emergency room on wheels. CRMC Director of Nursing, Monette Pearson, stated, “When the helicopter can’t fly, critical care transport can come to us or rendezvous with MedStat to get our critical care patients to a higher level of care. We are pleased to have this option available to our patients.”

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